Thursday, April 1, 2010

Country Living

Spring has come late this year to France, but it is finally here and lives up to all the songs sung about springtime in Paris. The grass is a rich deep mossy green, the newly plowed fields are a warm, earthy brown and against the cheerful blue skies cherry blossoms and tiny new leaves are just sprouting.

I have plenty of time to absorb the scenery and weather on my bi-weekly bikerides with 2 year old Charlie. He cheerfully points out tractors, horses, cows and dogs as he relaxes in the little cart pulled by my bicycle. I am slowly expanding the territory I cover on our morning bike rides and discovering new delightful and beautiful aspects of the area I am living in outside of Paris. I pass by a charming home with a thatched roof and pleasantly surrounded by a small lake by which the horses graze and on the other side a few goats. I am sure they make their own chevre there. Not too far a way is a run down home that is in the process of being rebuilt. Even neglected it has its own beauty. All that remains are the old stone walls which can easily be imagined as ancient, vines creep up and surround the broken windows and grass and weeds have grown where the floor used to be. I am actually sad it is being rebuilt.

Another sight that I love are my fellow bicyclers. All sorts, from the stretch pants wearing to my favorite: cute little old men in cropped pants that tie on the side and jaunty hats. We are greeted by everyone with a "bonjour" or a pleasant smile. It truly is country living at its best and I happy that I get to not only see Paris and all its glory; but also live and experience the charming French country side.


  1. Hey Cory I was watching the movie Julie & Julia and saw the storefront of Shakesspeer & Co. and thought that is where my daughter goes.

  2. love your prospective of country living in Paris--gives one a real feel of countryside--as I sit here in boring battle ground, listening to the birds outside my apt and reading your true feelings, puts everything from Jehovah in prospective, very real--thank you for waking up my senses to Jehovah's creation--love ya, terri

  3. Corrie, Love your writing! It is so descriptive and lively! A person can imagine experiencing the things you are doing. You'll be a famous author(ess) one day! Keep having fun. Tom
