The last two weekends have been very spiritually refreshing. Last Saturday, I went to my first assembly here in France and yay! it was in English! It felt so incredibly nice to have a full day of spiritual food in my native tongue. I felt so encouraged, strengthened and rejuvinated. It was the one-day "The Time Left Is Reduced" program and I really enjoyed hearing it again. It was presented in a way that is appropriate for the audience; which was made up of many different nationalities and languages. Many were dressed in their native garb and it had a international assembly quality about it; although much smaller. The attendance was around 500 and 6 were baptized. It was also really interesting to hear about the foreign language feild from the Circuit Overseer's and the branch's perspective.
The circuit is very service oriented and zealous. Many in attendance were bethelites, special pioneers and those who had been asked to serve in groups or congregations. Out of the about 500 in the circuit there are 130 pioneers!
The assembly also made me realize how starved I was for spiritual food. I am studying, reading my bible daily and keeping up with the magazines. Of course I am also attending the meetings. But, the meetings are in French, so I am not getting the flood that I typically get. However, my comprehesion is increasing and I really look forward to the day when I am fully thinking in French and able to use the language to serve Jehovah more fully and be more available to help others learn about our wonderful God.
Today, I had another really wonderful spiritual treat. A sister in my congregation invited me over for lunch after the meeting. Her name is Brenda and she grew up in Southwest England (Somerset). When she moved out of her house as a young woman it was straight into a challenging special pioneer assignment in Wales. She and her partner were assigned to an area where there were no Jehovah's Witnesses. She told me about them finding a hall to rent for the meetings where in the beginning it was just the two of them meeting. They had to use their meager special pioneer allowance to pay the rent. Fortunately, they found a store that was not in use and the man couldn't sell the property and was happy to get any income from the space. They had a man start attending. They had a box for donations and after the first meeting there was just the amount to cover next months rent! Brenda conducted the Watchtower Study and her partner did the school and they organized to have a brother from other areas come and give the public talk. After a while, their study progressed to the point of baptism. Even so, the branch asked the sisters to hold off on giving him more responsibility in the group until he grew spiritually. Her partner was married and Brenda moved to serve with a new partner in Northern Wales to begin again.
Next, Brenda attended the 33rd class of Gilead. It was so great to listen to her talk about the ciricullum. She was assigned with another sister to Morcco. Later, she married a brother and they served together as missionaries in Morocco. She had 30 days of French lessons then was expected to go preach! The first month she had 100 hours of ministry and the next month she was to increase to 150! I really can't even imagine being in those circumstances! It is completely beyond my comprehension, but it is clear that Jehovah supported her and with his help we have "power beyond what is normal."
She showed me pictures and told me stories about some whom she had taught the truth. I felt so built up. She really encouraged me to not be hard on myself for not doing as much as I have. She said we are all like corks bobbing in the sea. Sometimes we are high up on the tips of waves being carried along and sometimes we are low, just under the surface of the water. But we are all heading to shore.
She herself is going through a difficult time as she was recently operated on and is enduring treatmend. So we are making service arrangements to work a territory right near where we live. I can help her and she can help me. Really, I think I am getting the better end of the stick as I get to glean some experience and tips from such an experienced minister!
Tomorrow, I am taking the plunge and going out in service with a couple who do not speak English at all. So that should be interesting. But it must happen.